August 09, 2024 By Gavin Weller

What is a "business adviser" and how to find the right one


Starting and running a small-to-medium business can be both exhilarating and challenging. Many businesses find themselves juggling multiple roles, from managing finances to developing marketing strategies. That’s where business advisers come in. These professionals provide invaluable guidance, helping you to make informed decisions and steer your business towards success. Business advisers provide valuable information and innovative ideas to business owners, enhancing their ability to operate effectively. In this post, we’ll explore what a business adviser is, how to choose the right one, and the benefits they can bring to your enterprise.

What is a business adviser?

Understanding the role of a business adviser

A business advisor is a professional who provides expert advice to help businesses improve their performance and achieve their goals. They offer guidance on a variety of topics, such as strategic planning, financial management, and operational efficiency. Business advisors can work with businesses of all sizes, but they are particularly valuable for small business owners and entrepreneurs who may lack the resources or expertise to tackle certain challenges on their own. As a business owner, utilising the services of a business advisor can be crucial in addressing specific challenges and enhancing overall business performance. They offer customised advice tailored to the unique circumstances of your business.

Advisory: The Unsung Hero

When we founded our brand "Trekk Advisory," we engaged an external team to interview key clients across our firms to help shape our brand and strategy. When asked about our advisory services, many didn’t really know what advisory was or why they needed it when they first joined, but it was valued unanimously across the group of interviewees.

While 'Advisory' services are now more prevalent in accounting firms, we know that most struggle to define what it even means. When asked, each person will have a unique interpretation of advisory, which is a critical point... Advisory is tailored to your business. It's hard to define simply, because it's can involve so much, and is never the same thing twice. How longs a piece of string, indeed?

Types of business advisers and their specialisations

Business advisors can specialise in various areas based on their background and expertise. Some typical types of business advisors and what they focus on are:

  • Business adviser: Typically an accountant, they focus on your numbers data and proven growth tools to outline strategies and keep you on track.
  • Financial advisers: Focus on financial planning, budgeting, and investment strategies. Financial advisers provide specialised financial guidance to business owners, focusing on long-term wealth creation and tailored advice for individual circumstances.
  • Marketing advisors: Help businesses develop and implement marketing plans to attract and retain customers.
  • Human resources advisors: Provide guidance on employee recruitment, training, and retention.
  • Operations advisors: Assist with streamlining business processes and improving efficiency.
  • Legal advisors: Offer advice on legal matters, such as contracts, compliance, and intellectual property.
  • Business consultants: Provide valuable insights and solutions for business owners, helping navigate interconnected challenges and offering strategic advice to ensure long-term success in a complex business environment.


Numbers Based Advice

Accountants tend to be a more trusted source of knowledge because they can use historical data to help forecast ahead but also more dynamic than that too. Advisory-led accounting is all about pairing the foundation of numbers with an ability to see the big picture and look ahead, not just backward.

Accounting is about knowing what your business did; Advisory is about knowing where it can go and how to get there. Having the numbers knowledge is still crucial, and sets apart the validity of advice that we can offer vs. others.

Benefits of working with a business adviser

Strategic business planning and decision-making

One of the most significant benefits of working with a business adviser is their ability to assist with strategic planning and decision-making. An advisory board can play a crucial role in this process by providing holistic business advice that aligns with long-term goals and enhances overall performance and growth. They can help you set realistic goals, develop a comprehensive business plan, and identify potential opportunities and threats. With their guidance, you can make more informed decisions and stay on track to achieve your objectives.

Financial health and stability

A business adviser can also play a crucial role in maintaining your company’s financial health and stability, which are essential components of overall business health. They can provide advice on creating and managing budgets, monitoring cash flow, and developing strategies to reduce costs and increase revenue. By keeping your finances in order, you’ll be better positioned to weather economic fluctuations and invest in growth opportunities.

Operational efficiency and productivity

Improving operational efficiency is another area where a business adviser can add value. They can analyse your current processes, identify bottlenecks, and recommend changes to streamline operations and boost productivity. This can lead to cost savings, faster turnaround times, and a more agile business model.


Case study: Tas Moulis at QPaint - transforming business growth with Trekk Advisory

Tas Moulis, the founder of QPaint, embraced our business advisory services in the early phases of his business. This case study highlights how business advisers can provide tailored assistance to small businesses, helping them navigate challenges and leverage opportunities for growth. Collaborating closely with Tony Madden, seasoned business adviser and CPA, Tas navigated the complexities of business expansion with strategic guidance and support.

“Like most businesses starting out, I had to wear many hats from quoting, sales, HR, hiring, ads, invoicing… It was very difficult in the early days. It was great to actually meet Tony at Trekk Advisory, and take the business to the next level.” - Tas Moulis

Tony’s approach began by identifying the key revenue drivers within QPaint, paving the way for a tailored growth equation that propelled profits. Together, they crafted a business model aligned with Tas’s aspirations, fostering a culture of change within the organisation. Through ongoing management meetings and meticulous planning, they steered QPaint towards ambitious goals, ensuring sustained progress.

“There’s another part of the business where you need to be looking ahead, and aiming for something… Being able to forecast ahead, work on the tactics and strategies at this point in time to get you to that end goal, or your ideal end of financial year result. This has changed not just the way we do business, but the overall predictability of how we hit our outcomes each year.” - Tas Moulis

Reflecting on his work with Trekk Advisory, Tas highlighted how working smarter, not harder, with Tony’s guidance made a big difference. The strategic guidance helped QPaint predict well, use specific strategies, and get real results, transforming how they run their business.

“Working with Trekk Advisory and Tony has helped me see that being a better business person was critical to driving and building a business. Being able to take all that hard work, but work smarter, to execute clear tasks and plans so we began seeing the results quickly.” - Tas Moulis

Tas’s reflections of working with Tony underscores the invaluable role of structured support and expert guidance in driving business success. For businesses seeking a transformative journey towards growth and efficiency, an adviser proves to be an indispensable asset.

“Based on my experience, I strongly advise any business seeking structure, support, routine, and guidance to consider engaging an adviser.” - Tas Moulis

Watch Tas and Tony chat more on their work together now:


Considerations for business owners when choosing a business adviser

Expertise and industry knowledge

When selecting a business adviser, it’s essential to consider their expertise and industry knowledge. Look for someone who has experience working with businesses similar to yours and understands the unique challenges you face. For example, if you run a tech startup, you may benefit from working with an adviser who has a background in technology and innovation. Regular consultation with an adviser who specialises in business planning can provide strategic development and organisational design insights crucial for long-term success and growth opportunities. Additionally, they can guide you in accessing various support programs offered by the government or industry bodies to aid in your business success.

Track record and reputation

A business adviser’s track record and reputation can provide valuable insight into their capabilities. Research their past clients and projects to determine whether they have a history of delivering positive results. You can also ask for references and read online reviews to get a sense of their reputation within the industry. Establishing productive relationships with reputable advisers is essential for running a successful business.

Communication and rapport

Effective communication is crucial when working with a business adviser. You’ll want to choose someone who listens to your concerns, understands your goals, and communicates their advice clearly. Building a strong rapport with your adviser can also make the collaboration more enjoyable and productive. Regularly reviewing and maintaining an ongoing relationship with your adviser ensures that their services continue to align with your evolving business needs.

How to find the right business adviser

Networking and referrals

One of the best ways to find a reliable business adviser is through networking and referrals. Reach out to your professional network, including colleagues, industry associations, and business groups, to ask for recommendations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into an adviser's capabilities and working style.

Online research and reviews

In addition to networking, you can also use online resources to find potential business advisers. Websites like LinkedIn, industry forums, and review platforms can help you identify candidates and read reviews from past clients. Be sure to verify their credentials and check for any red flags before making a decision.

Initial consultations

Once you've identified a few potential advisers, schedule initial consultations to discuss your needs and assess their suitability. During these meetings, ask about their experience, approach, and fees. This will give you a better understanding of their expertise and whether they are a good fit for your business.

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Frequently asked questions about working with business advisers

What is the role of a business adviser?

A business adviser provides expert advice and guidance to help businesses improve their performance and achieve their goals. They can assist with various aspects of business management, including strategic planning, financial management, marketing, and operations.

How much does a business adviser cost?

The cost of hiring a business adviser can vary depending on their expertise, experience, and the scope of the project. Some advisers charge an hourly rate, while others may offer fixed-fee packages or retainer agreements. It's essential to discuss fees upfront and obtain a detailed quote before committing to any services. We provide a complimentary consultation for businesses looking for advisory services to assess your current position and future goals. Following the consultation, you will receive a customised quote and investment strategy.

How long should i work with a business adviser?

The duration of your collaboration with a business adviser will depend on your specific needs and goals. Some businesses may only require short-term assistance for a particular project, while others may benefit from ongoing support. It's essential to establish clear objectives and timelines at the outset to ensure that both parties are aligned. 

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Finding the right business adviser can be a game-changer for your small business. With their expertise and guidance, you can make informed decisions, improve your financial health, and achieve your strategic goals. By considering factors such as expertise, track record, and communication, you can select an adviser who is well-suited to your needs.

Not every accountant can grasp a big idea, and even fewer of them will encourage you to “go for it.”. Whether you're looking to streamline operations, boost revenue, or expand into new markets, we can provide the support and insights you need to reach your goals.

We’re here to be your sounding board, your guide, your go-to when you’re not sure what’s next or how to get there, your support when things are tough. Let's get started.


Remember, the information in this article is general—it's not one-size-fits-all advice. Understanding your numbers, especially when making business decisions, can be a complex process and you may been professional support and advice along the way. Always consult your advisor before making decisions based on this piece. The info here is accurate to our knowledge at the time of publishing. For tailor-made advice, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at Trekk Advisory. We're here to help you grow.

About Author

Gavin Weller

Gav is a Director of Trekk and operates from our Brisbane office - helping his client's in the advisory space in planning, strategy, structure, and taxation. He loves being able to work closely with both his clients and his team to help them achieve their goals. The best part of his job is that each new day is interesting, challenging and rewarding because of the great people he gets to work with. He is a massive fan of all sports and no doubt wishes he could have been a sports star or commentator. Unfortunately for him, he’s not good enough or impartial enough for either but he very much enjoys continuing to play soccer and tennis in the meantime. There's more to him than sports though... He loves music and going to gigs and theatre with his wife. Gav goes by the saying "Life is short – enjoy and appreciate this moment" and "Back yourself – some days you kick and some days you get kicked – that’s rugby". This metaphor for strength and resilience helps him get the best out of each day.

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