Self managed super fund accountants


We can be your partner in the world of SMSF



Is a self-managed super fund right for you?

SMSF's have been popular, but they don't suit everyone. They come with a range of responsibilities, expenses rules and regulations you must comply with. 

Gain a thorough understanding of the key considerations by downloading our free 'Break it Down - Is a SMSF right for you?' fact sheet:

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Self Managed Super Funds

We've got a whole SMSF team who can offer you the expertise in building and managing your own Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF). This includes all the relevant advice on setting up and structures, managing the administration, tax returns, reporting, financial statements and more. 

Whatever we do, we prioritise how it makes life better for our clients or leads to better outcomes. So if your thinking of SMSF, we're the team for you. 


SMSF Establishment

Once you're sure a self-managed super fund is for you, our specialists will walk you through the set up process and understand your investment goals.


SMSF Administration

We provide confident trustees so that you are in the hands of highly skilled, specialist SMSF accountants.


SMSF Trust Deed Reviews

Our specialists can review existing deeds to make sure they accommodate changed legislation and allow for your investment choices.


Investment Strategies

Your investment strategy is a legal requirement and must be regularly reviewed over the life of your fund to ensure it meets your objectives.

  • You are in the driver's seat
  • Greater flexibility, investment choice & control over assets​
  • Depending on the size of fund - costs can be lower than retail fund charges​
  • Structuring your estate can be much easier than with industry or retail funds​
  • You can hold your business property inside your fund​
  • If appropriate to you, potential to buy a geared investment property as well​
  • A SMSF is yours and as such, you can take it from industry to industry and employer to employer​
  • The ability to plan the purchase and sale of assets tax effectively​


What does it cost to set up a SMSF? 

It's crucial to get advice from an appropriately qualified and licensed advisor to determine whether it is a good investment choice for you and that you are aware of the rules and requirements. 

Depending upon your structure and whether or not you will be borrowing in your SMSF, the set up costs of your SMSF can be substantial. Costs and advice required can include:

  • Financial planning advice prior to establishing your fund to determine whether it is a good investment choice for you.
  • Accountant advice regarding structure and to establish ATO registrations, etc.
  • The actual cost of the fund and related companies and trusts.
  • Advice on getting started.
  • Roll-over of existing superannuation into the SMSF.
  • Insurance advice (there will likely be existing insurance policies attached to your current retail superannuation).

For the initial advice and establishment of your self-managed super fund, you could be looking at between $3,000 to $6,000 depending on the complexity.

After the establishment, there will also be ongoing costs for administrating your SMSF. The cost of administrating your SMSF will depend upon the complexity and level of your investments in the fund, but will not necessarily increase in line with your fund balance. The annual cost of administrating a SMSF will be around $2,500 on average (but can be higher!). 

How much super do I need to start a self-managed super fund? 

One of the most important questions is how much super do you need for a SMSF to be viable? At a minimum, you will need somewhere between $200,000 to $500,000 in super before considering a SMSF. It comes down to the cost of administrating your SMSF as a percentage of your holdings and comparing that to a retail fund. Retail funds generally charge approximately 1% - 2% of your fund balance in admin fees. So as your super balance increases, so do the administration fees.

If you only have $100,000 in your SMSF this cost equates to 2.5% and therefore more expensive than a retail fund. However, at $500,000 it is only 0.5% and therefore much more cost-effective.

Even though, in the right circumstances, the administration costs of a SMSF can be lower (as a percentage of your fund balance) than a retail fund, the fees will be more noticeable because you will be physically required to pay the bills.

In a retail fund they are less noticeable and are just subtracted from your balance automatically. This is hard for some trustees to come to terms with.

You will also be much more aware of your taxation costs in a SMSF. Even though the tax environment is low, once again when you have to physically “write the cheque” it is much more confronting. In a retail fund you are likely to be blissfully unaware of the taxes you are paying.

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Benefits of your own self-managed super fund


Self-Managed Super Funds are all the rage at the moment and for good reason! There are some great benefits to having one:

  • Investment choice, flexibility and control;
  • Tax planning and control;
  • Looking after the family – estate planning;
  • Borrowing and direct investment in real estate;
  • Pension planning;
  • Asset protection

However, despite the many benefits, the plain fact is that SMSF’s are simply not for everyone.

So before you dive straight in, STOP, take a breath and gather all the facts to ensure that a SMSF will be appropriate for you.


Let's chat

HT Ventures Pty Ltd T/AS Trekk Advisory is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1245336) of GPS Wealth Ltd | ABN 17 005 482 726 | AFSL 254 544 | Australian Credit Licence 254 544 | HT Venturys Ltd ABN 26 604 443 763


The information contained on this web page has been provided as general advice only. The contents have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should, before you make any decision regarding any information, strategies or products mentioned on this website, consult your own financial advisor to consider whether that is appropriate having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. Whilst Trekk Advisory is of the view the contents of this page are based on information that is believed to be reliable, its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed and no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given or implied and no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way for any representation, act or omission is accepted by Trekk Advisory or GPS Wealth Ltd or any officer, agent or employee of Trekk Advisory or GPS Wealth Ltd. The information contained within this Fact Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing.

Free download: Is a SMSF right for you?


SMSF's have been popular, but they don't suit everyone. They come with a range of responsibilities, expenses rules and regulations you must comply with. 

Gain a thorough understanding of the key considerations by downloading our free 'Break it Down - Is a SMSF right for you?' fact sheet. Fill in the form now to get instant access.

Download now
